3D-DOCTOR Online Training

Learn and master 3D-DOCTOR quickly by attending a 3D-DOCTOR online training session. 

Learn and master 3D-DOCTOR from the comfort of your own office. In the up to 4-hour training session, we'll show you how to create 3D models and all the steps you need to know to use 3D-DOCTOR for your work. You'll see the instructor's PC screen in real time. You can ask questions and get answers during the training. A certificate will be issued to you upon completing the training.

To attend a web training, all you need is a PC with internet connection and a phone to join the audio teleconference. Please email us (info@ablesw.com) to register a web training. We'll email you the details about the training once you are registered.

Topics for 3D-DOCTOR One Day Training

  1. 3D-DOCTOR User Interface and Workflow
  2. How To Bring Your Images Into 3D-DOCTOR
  3. Define Multiple Objects, Region of Interest (ROI), Calibration
  4. Generate Object Boundaries Using Segmentation
  5. Manual Tracing, Boundary Editing and Processing
  6. Create 3D Surface Model and Volume Rendering
  7. 3D Volume and Surface Area Calculation, Image Measurement, Quantitative Analysis
  8. Advanced 3D Image Processing (Reslicing, Registration, Fusion, Deconvolution, and more)
  9. Other Issues Related to Processing Your Own Images