3D-DOCTOR Prices
Prices are in US$ and exclude all taxes, duties, or shipping (FOB Lexington, MA, USA). Order Online or Get a printable order form.
3D-DOCTOR for Windows (Including 6-Month Tech Support and Upgrades) | US$4800/€4450 (per license) |
3D-DOCTOR Academic Price (Including 6-Month Support and Upgrades) | US$2400 (per license) |
3D-DOCTOR special student price (for college and graduate students used for school related projects only, student ID required), please contact us for details. | |
Please contact Able Software for multi-license discount. | |
Optional Annual Support (Tech support and upgrades after the first year) | US$480/€400 (per license/year) |
3D-DOCTOR Web Training
(up to 4 hours from your own office)
| US$750 |
3D-DOCTOR Viewer (for all Windows) | Free |
Shipping: No cost. Software license is delivered electronically. Click here to download if you have not installed 3D-DOCTOR on your PC. | |
The 3D-DOCTOR Windows 64-bit version is available by download with your order. |
To place an order:
Please include your billing address and make the payment in one of the following forms:
1. By check: make a check (in US $) payable to Able Software Corp.
2. By credit card: we accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover cards. Please fax us your order with your card number, type of card, expiration date, 3 digit security code, card holder name, billing address and signature of the card holder.
3. By Bank Wire Transfer (please email us to get wire transfer information and a Pro Forma invoice).
4. Purchase order from universities, government agencies, hospitals, research organizations in USA. International orders require pre-payment by credit cards, check or bank wire.
Please email your purchase order to us at sales@ablesw.com or send the original by regular mail to:
Able Software LLC, Sales Dept.
5 Appletree Lane, Lexington, MA 02420, USA.
We'll email you detailed installation and license information when your order is processed.
Note: The prices are subject to change without notice. Software products can be returned within 30 days if the license is not validated. No refund for validated licenses and shipping charges.